
Sales Tax Automation Comes to Pixafy

by Kevin Reeth

In our continuing quest to simplify sales tax compliance for online merchants, TaxJar as launched a new integration with Pixafy, a hosted e-commerce platform powered by Magento.

What does this integration mean?

Merchants who want the power of Magento, but don’t want to use a developer to implement, can use Pixafy and TaxJar to run their storefront, complete with sales tax calculations and filing.

How the Pixafy and TaxJar Integration Works

You can find TaxJar within Pixafy’s app directory. Just click the “Manage” button to install TaxJar’s App for Pixafy.

TaxJar app listing

Once you’ve installed the TaxJar App, just find your API token within your TaxJar Account section, copy and paste it in the Pixafy admin screen, and you’re off to the races. TaxJar will download all of the rates you need for your store into Pixafy, enabling automatic sales tax calculations.

Have business locations in multiple states? No worries. Just add those states within your TaxJar account and we’ll update the rates in Pixafy accordingly.

TaxJar config

In addition, TaxJar’s App will automatically set up access in your Pixafy store to share order history with TaxJar. You will automatically get regular sales tax reports all the way down to the local jurisdiction level and the ability to file electronically.

Local report for Pixafy Blog post

We’re very excited to be working with Pixafy to continue making merchants’ lives and businesses easier to put on autopilot.

Start your 30 day free trial of TaxJar.
No credit card required.